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Some people believe a person should go to the toilet at least once a day – this is not true.

Constipation can have a different meaning for different people. Some refer to it as a just infrequent passage of stool, for others, it can be described as a hard stool with difficulty in passage of stool or few feel incomplete emptying after a bowel movement.

Constipation can be defined as a digestive disorder where bowel movements become harder and occur only a few times per week compared to normal. Specifically, less than 3 per week is considered to be taken outside the normal limit.


When large intestine (colon) absorbs too much water, the stool becomes hard. Stool loses more water when it moves too slowly. This happens when muscles in the colon are contracting slowly or poorly.

The main causes of constipation include an improper diet, stress, dehydration, some medications and medical conditions.

Lack of fibre in the diet:- Fibre promotes bowel movements.

Lack of physical activity:- Physical activity keeps metabolism fast.

In some medical conditions:- IBS ( inflammatory bowel syndrome ), stroke, spinal cord injuries, hypothyroidism can lead to constipation.

Abuse of laxatives:- Taking laxatives often can become habit and person become dependent on it.

A problem in colon and rectum:- Any abnormal narrowing of colon or a tumour in colon or rectum can restrict the passage of stool.

Not drinking plenty of water:- Drinking much water reduces the risk of constipation.

Not going to the toilet when needed:- Longer it is delayed, more it becomes drier and harder.

Routine changed:- When meals consumed at a different time and go to the toilet at different routine. These changes increase the risk of constipation.

Age:- Old age causes a reduction in metabolism which further leads to less intestinal activity and constipation.

Medications:- Antidepressants, narcotic pain drugs, anticonvulsants, diuretics cause constipation.


  • Passing stool less than 3 times in a week.
  • Straining to pass stool.
  • Hard or lumpy stool.
  • The incomplete feeling after passing the stool.
  • Pain or bleeding in anus after stool.
  • Need of help to pass stool.
  • Feeling as if something in the rectum is blocking the passage of stool.


Constipation is a normal disorder which occurs in normal day to day life. However, when it turns into its chronic form, creates complications.

  • Piles:- straining causes swelling on veins and leading to piles.
  • Rectal prolapse:- straining causes some part of the rectum to protrude from the anus.
  • Faecal impaction:- hardened stool accumulated in the intestine get stuck in it.
  • Anal fissures:- Torns caused by hard stools.


Water:- Drink at least  6-8 glasses of water in a day. Water washes all undigested food in the stomach and intestine. Rushing water dilutes the hard stool and makes it easier to move.

Fruits:- Dietary fibre in fruits helps to fight against constipation.

Vegetables:- The Best way to consume vegetables for constipation is to eat raw or half cooked.

Whole grain products:- Whole wheat, brown rice and other whole grains contains vitamin B complex. This type of vitamins are lacked in polished or processed grains.

Regular exercise:- Doing the exercise not only stimulates the external muscles but also internal muscles. It maintains peristaltic movements of intestine which moves the food easily.

 Yoga:- Surya namaskar, Pavanamukta Asana, Trikona Asana, Hala Asana and Tada Asana are few asanas which help to get relief from constipation.

Routine:- Maintain a routine for bowel movements.

Avoid ignoring the urge:- Always respond to the body’s natural urge.

Home remedies

Lemon juice:- Squeeze fresh lemon juice into a glass of water every morning, or add lemon to tea. Lemon help flushes toxins from your body, providing constipation relief.

Coffee:- Coffee can stimulate your colon and speed up your trip to the bathroom.  

Amla powder:- Just take a teaspoon of amla powder with water every day before going to bed.

Isabgol:- Mix 1-2 tsp isabgol in a glass of warm milk and consume at bedtime for a week. This not only helps to get relief from constipation but also help to regularize bowel movements.

Methi seeds:- Soak a few methi seeds overnight and drink this water in the morning.

Alsi:- Mix also in your cereal every morning or just have a handful with warm water early in the morning.

Adding condiments:- Add jeera, haldi and ajwain in your food while cooking it is a great way to help digestion.

Hot Milk with Ghee:- Add a spoon of pure ghee to a glass of hot milk and drink it before you go to bed at night.

Apple Juice:- Drink apple juice at least 2-3 times a day in order to get relief from constipation.

Coconut oil:- Drink coconut water or coconut milk to relieve constipation.

If you have any query or need a doctor consultation – contact us